Sunday, 24 March 2013

On Wednesday 6th February we did what we thought was our final shoot

What was being film:
Emmanuel committing suicide, and him in a park hallucinating


Jubliee Park consisted of a number of hills. We used one to show Emmanuel jumping on a hill onto a concrete ground. We then shoot scenes of him in a playground with paper bag people but this was meant to show him hallucinating as we would of edited them out to create that feeling being lost and not knowing what’s real. Unfortunately these scenes did not make it into our film.

Paper Bag heads
Swings & other things in the park.

Due to us being on a trip near the location we decide it was a good opportunity to go and film the suicide scenes. But this came with problems as we did not have enough actors and the weather was not pleasant so then I and Jahquani took on the role as paper bag actress’s. Our role was to act as the people in the playground that disappeared and reappeared.  

Roles and Responsibilities:
Cameron - behind the camera
Jahquani- Actress
Myself - Actress

We had a problem with finding a hill to use in our filming, but we solved it by walking around the park and testing out the different hills. We also managed to finish filming before crowds of children came out from a nearby school.

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